JavaScript: the Promise() constructor

What is a promise? (Reminder)

A promise object represents the eventual completion (or failure) of an asynchronous operation and its resulting value.

A promise can have 3 different states:

  1. pending: initial state, neither fulfilled nor rejected.
  2. fulfilled: meaning that the operation was completed successfully.
  3. rejected: meaning that the operation failed.

The eventual state of a pending promise can either be fulfilled with a resolved value or rejected with a reason (usually an error). if a promise doesn't fulfill or reject, than its state stays in pending.

A promise is said to be settled if it is either fulfilled or rejected, but not pending. Note that settled is not a state: it is just a linguistic convenience.

The executor function

The Promise() constructor has 1 parameter: a function called the executor function.

The executor has itself 2 parameters: a function that resolves and a function that rejects.

  1. The first parameter is the resolving function. It is a function that resolves a value and changes the state of the newly created promise from pending to fulfilled.
  2. The second parameter is the rejecting function. It is a function that rejects with a reason and changes the state of the newly created promise from pending to rejected.
// Example of a promise that resolves the value 'Giraffe'
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

  .then((value) => console.log(value)); // 'Giraffe'

By convention, the resolving function is usually called resolve and the rejecting function is usually called reject. But they can be named differently. For example, cat() and dog(), like in the following code:

// Example of a promise with funky parameter names
const promise = new Promise((cat, dog) => {

  .catch((reason) => console.log(reason)); // 'Snoop'

Note that the names of the parameters do not matter, but their order does. The first parameter is always the resolving function, and the second is always the rejecting function, no matter what they are named.

The state of the promise

The Promise constructor returns a promise, but what will be the state of the Promise?

Note that the executor function doesn't need to return explicitly a value. The return value of the executor function is irrelevant to the state of the newly created promise. But a return statement or or a throw statement can impact where the execution of the code inside the block of the executor function breaks. Therefore, it can impact the state of the promise. It is subtle, but it is really impotant to understand this.

There are 3 case scenarios.

Case scenario #1

If the resolving function or the rejecting function can be executed at least once, then the first execution of either the resolving function or the rejecting function determines the state of the promise. If the resolving function gets executed first, then the promise fulfills. The value of the fulfillment is the argument passed to this first resolving function. If the rejecting function gets executed first, then the promise rejects. The reason of the rejection is the argument passed to this first rejecting function. If other executions of either the resolving function or the rejecting function follow, they do not matter for the state of the promise: they are ignored by the JavaScript engine. But the rest of the code still gets executed. The resolving function and the rejecting function do not break the execution of the code like the statements return and throw would.

// Case scenario 1
const promise_1 = new Promise((resolve) => {
  return resolve(3);

  .then((value) => console.log(value)); // 1

Case scenario #2

If neither the resolving function nor the rejecting function can be executed before a return statement breaks the execution of the code, then the promise stays in the pending state. The promise doesn't settle: it doesn't fulfill, it doesn't reject.

// Case scenario 2
const promise_2 = new Promise(() => {
  return null;

  .then(() => console.log('fulfilled'))
  .catch(() => console.log('rejected'));

In the previous code, promise_2 stays in the pending state. Therefore, neither 'fulfilled' nor 'rejected' are printed to the screen.

Case scenario #3

If neither the resolving function nor the rejecting function can be executed before a throw statement breaks the execution of the code, then the promise rejects. The reason of rejection is the expression that follows the throw statement.

Very important remark: the expression following the throw statement must not be an invocation of the resolving function nor the rejecting function. Otherwise, we are in case scenario #1.

// Case scenario 3
const promise_3 = new Promise(() => {
  throw 'Rabbit';

  .then(() => console.log('fulfilled'))
  .catch((reason) => console.log(reason)); // 'Rabbit'

Practice and remember

You can now assess your understanding of promises.